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Every year, the Suttons Bay Art Festival hosts approximately 100 artists in fine arts and crafts. They come from around the country to the natural beauty of Northern Michigan and the beach at Suttons Bay.

Artists are juried into the show from the hundreds that apply. Four artists are selected each year as the Best of Show, win awards, and are invited back with their jury fee waived for three years.

Each year brings new and exciting art work to the show, balancing high-quality "favorite" artists with new artists. 

Artist applications are open January 1st - March 16th on Zapplication.

2023 Artists

Click on any image to enter the slide show with artists names and web site links.

Paul Jeselskis / Ceramics

Kelly Kaatz / Ceramics

Jeanne Scott / Ceramics

Autumn Aslakson / Ceramics

Schyler Binkley / Ceramics

Valerie Walchek / Ceramics

Jim Reinert / Ceramics

Ann Tubbs / Ceramics

Laurie Eisenhardt / Ceramics

Ed Brownlee / Ceramics

Harry Welsh / Ceramics

Tonya Rund / Ceramics

Philip Wilson / Ceramics

Brent Heerspink / Ceramics

Emily LoPresto / Ceramics

Christopher Kamykowski / Ceramics

Genevieve Van Zandt / Ceramics

nancy grimsley

Nancy Grimsley / Ceramics

Sylvia Pixley / 2-D

Marie Lamouth / 2-D

Amy Huisinga / 2-D

Dani Knoph / 2-D

Jeff Condon / 2-D

Amy Ferguson / 2-D

Thomas Bauer / 2-D

Sheri Woodard / 2D

Scott Hartley / 2D

Terry Walsh / 2D

Ronna Katz / 2-D

Bruce Green / 2-D

Jane Johnson / 2-D

Conrad Kaufman / 2-D

Emily Luyk / 2-D

Linda Chamberlain / 2-D

Jenn Crisan / 2-D

Jesse Richard / 2-D

Brett Miley / 2-D

Marie Rust / 2-D

Scott Hartley / 2-D

Kelly O'Neill-Dusome

Kelly O'Neill-Dusome / 2-D

Mike Barns / Fiber / Non-Wearable

Lisa Berry / Fiber/ Non-Wearable

Leah Dziewit / Fiber Non-wearable

Samantha Coon / Fiber

Rowan Grey / Fiber / Wearable

Jenee Rowe / Fiber / Wearable

Carol Caron / Fiber / Wearable

Samuel Yao / Fiber

Susan Flemming / Fiber / Wearable

Sierra Cole / Fiber / Wearable

Barbara Scraggs Fiber / Wearable

William Perkins / Furniture

Steve Uren

Steve Uren / Furniture

Brian Campbell / Furniture

Peter Czuk / Furniture

Mark Wagar / Glass

George Bochnig / Glass

Richard Fizer / Glass

Erin O'Connor / Glass

Marygail Vansledright / Glass

Meredith Wenzel / Glass

Philip Yamron / Glass

Lindy Miller / Glass

Sharon Donovan / Jewelry / Gold/Silver

Deborah Barnes / Jewelry / Gold/Silver

Janet Webb / Jewelry / Gold/Silver

Marc Aune / Jewelry / Gold/Silver

Regina To / Jewelry / Gold/Silver

Joseph Cyberski / Jewelry / Gold/Silver

Nancy Marland / Jewelry, Gold/Silver

Kim and Frank Yanke / Jewelry, Gold/Silver

Natalie Williams / Jewelry, Gold/Silver

Julia MacLachlan / Jewelry, Gold/Silver

Amy Johnson / Jewelry / Other

Julie Billups / Jewelry / Other

Julie Matos / Jewelry / Other

Suzanne Lubeck / Jewelry / Other

Helmut Goral / Jewelry / Other

Alisa Butts / Jewelry / Other


Marji Rawson / Jewelry Other

Renate Favour / Jewelry / Other

Meg Tang / Jewelry / Other

Kristin Perkins / Jewelry / Other

Amy Johnson / Jewelry / Other

Renate Favour / Jewelry / Other

Scott LaCosse / Metal

John Creel / Metal

Barbara Helene / Mixed Media

Ruth Jellema / Mixed Media

Joe Piotrowski / Mixed Media

Mark Thogerson / Mixed Media

Julie Schwartz / Photography

Donald Pennington / Photography

Xavier Nuez / Photography

Sean McLain / Photography

Tom Lazar / Photography

Chad Anderson / Sculpture

Kevin Kaye / Sculpture

Lindzie Kuzmer / Wood

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